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Updated: Nov 19, 2018

Frome Business Park has been pushing forward in renovations and repairs to the building. Whilst the weather has set us back slightly, we're pleased to say we are making good progress on site.

We've put up a silly amount of scaffolding to frame the entire building. That is a lot of poles and timber to keep the rain out.

Our amazing team of builders continue to have a laugh in the building, making sure to wear their yellow jackets.

And we've looked at the roof from above - these amazing concrete structures are a key feature so we're doing whats needed to keep them in top shape.

Overall, progress is being made, but we're looking to be open for business in April next year. Sightly later than anticipated, however we're not ones to compromise on quality and what needs to be done.

Space is filling fast, but if you are interested, please get in touch at

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